

Van Allen Probes Video Library

March 22, 2019
Orbiting in the Danger Zone
Behind the Scenes of the Van Allen Probes' Final Maneuver

March 19, 2019
The Van Allen Probes Begin Final De-Orbit Maneuvers

February 2013
Van Allen Probes Reveal A New Radiation Belt Around Earth

August 30, 2012
Post-Launch News Conference

August 30, 2012
NASA Launches Van Allen Probes Mission

August 30, 2012
Launch Video

August 2012
“Building the Van Allen Probes Spacecraft”
Design and Construction of Twin Spacecraft

August 2012
“What are the Radiation Belts?”
Explaining the Mysterious Near-Earth Regions

August 20, 2012
NASA Van Allen Probes Prelaunch News Conference

August 20, 2012
NASA Van Allen Probes Mission Science Briefing

August 9, 2012
NASA Van Allen Probes L-14 News Conference

July 2012
New Time-lapse Videos Track Solar Array Deployment Tests

June 2012
As Aug. 23 Launch Draws Closer, Van Allen Probes Achieves Milestones and Announces Events

May 2012
Shake, Shock, and Bake – Van Allen Probes Integration and Testing 2012

January 2012
It's All in the Swing: Van Allen Probes Undergoes Magnetic Swing Test

Van Allen Probes Spin Testing

On Sept. 12, Van Allen Probes spacecraft A became the first APL-built spacecraft to be tested on the Lab's new spin table. It underwent both a spin balance and mass properties test, two procedures that are done in concert, and in order, as they are intimately linked.

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Music Video by the Ionized Gases

Every second, a million tons of energized matter blasts off from the surface of Sun. Where does this "solar wind" go? Follow the speedy voyage of some protons, electrons and ions as they make a magnetic connection with Earth – becoming trapped in the Van Allen radiation belts that surround our planet. As they bounce, drift and spiral through the belts, some particles will shoot down Earth's long magnetic tail, while others spin back to the upper reaches of the magnetic field and spark the auroras – the amazing celestial light show we know as the northern (or southern) lights. Earth can be a crazy, magnetic place – watch this video to see how!

Aurora Lights: Why They Exist and What Causes Them

Posted on Monday, February 09, 2009 12:42 PM

Space Weather Video Library

NASA EDGE, Magnetic Storms, featuring Dr. Nicola Fox

NASA EDGE, an award-winning talk show known for offbeat, funny and informative behind-the-scene stories about the space agency, features Van Allen Probes Deputy Project Scientist, Dr. Nicola "Nicky" Fox explaining magnetic storms and their effect on Earth.

Earth's Dynamic Space

We all live in the atmosphere of the sun and feel the effects of solar variability every day. Earth's near-space environment is a dynamic region that is directly affected by solar variation. There is more than meets the eye when looking into Earth's dynamic space. View this video to learn more about space weather, the magnetosphere the aurora and the Polar mission and spacecraft.

Careers in Space Video


Conversation with the Team

Mission Overview and Sun-Earth Connections

What are the radiation belts?
Why is this mission important to the average person?
Why study the radiation belts now?
How do the radiation belts differ?
What is the ring current?
What is space weather?
Tell us about geomagnetic storms
What will the Radiation Belt Storm Probes study?
Why do we need two spacecraft?
What are the challenges of building two identical spacecraft at the same time?
What types of instruments will the probes carry and what will they measure?
How is RBSP different from other missions?
What will the spacecrafts' orbits look like?
How is an object placed into orbit?
How will students play a unique role on the RBSP mission?
What is challenging about designing spacecraft for this mission?
What is a unique operational challenge for this mission?
How will you test the spacecraft to prepare them for launch and harsh space conditions?
What excites you about this mission?
Why do you enjoy working on space missions?
Mission Operations Manager R. Harvey describes his experience working in mission operations.
Why did you choose this field of work?
What advice would you give students wanting a career in space?
Where will you be on launch day, and what will you be doing?
How are RBSP's scientific instruments controlled?
How does RBSP communicate with Earth?
How does RBSP transfer its scientific data down to Earth?
How would you describe the RBSP team?
What happens to the RBSP spacecraft after they are launched?
Why does RBSP need two years to complete its mission?
How will you feel after the RBSP spacecraft are launched?
What are the final steps the RBSP team takes in preparing the spacecraft for launch?

Rock and Roll - Acoustic Test

What is your job on the RBSP mission?
When did you know you wanted to work on space missions?
What advice would you give to someone who wants to work in the space industry?
How can sound hurt a spacecraft?
Why do we test spacecraft by blasting it with sound?
How loud is the acoustic test?
What's exciting about this test?
How does the test compare with the sound of the actual launch?
This is a direct field test. Can you explain the different types of tests?
How will this test minimize cost and risk to the spacecraft?
What does it mean to 'shake and bake' a spacecraft?
Why is this test special for APL?
How do you measure the vibration caused by sound? How and why did you conduct this test before the actual probes were built?
What does it take to pull off a successful test?

Meet the Instrument Principal Investigators

Craig Kletzing (EMFISIS)
Harlan Spence (ECT)
Louis Lanzerotti (RB-SPICE)
John Wygant (EFW)
Joe Mazur (RPS)

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